
The Preparatory - Year 12 Library is a central hub for learning in the school, providing a welcoming and stimulating environment for research and reading. It is staffed by a team of skilled and experienced teacher librarians who work closely with students and their teachers. Each member of the library team provide support for all areas of the curriculum and work in close collaboration with teachers to ensure that every student develops the skills to become an independent learner.

A range of resources, both print and digital, is readily available to students to meet curriculum and recreational needs. Access is provided through the online catalogue where students may also check their loans, make reservations and suggest books for purchase.

A key aim of the library is to develop and foster a love of literature. This is achieved through the continuing development of high-quality fiction collections, the provision of annotated reading guides and regular literature classes for students from Preparatory - Year 10.

Members of the Library team work closely with teachers to integrate the explicit teaching of information and digital literacy skills.

Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday: 7.00am - 7.00pm