Chapel of Christ the King 


Chapel of Christ the King_2025_UpdateThe foundation stone of the Chapel of Christ the King was laid in 1927. It was built onto the southern elevation of Mandeville Hall, causing the loggia and steps to be removed. The architect was Robert Harper & Son.

The organ inside the Chapel is classified by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria).

The stained glass windows with their traditional blues and reds were commissioned by the Loreto Sisters, and made in Birmingham. The windows in the sanctuary represent The Annunciation and The Coronation of Mary.

Although the reredos and cupola were removed from the marble altar in the 1980s, it still features a panel of The Last Supper.

In the 1973, the pews and stations of the cross were removed, and the parquetry floor was covered with carpet.

In 2008, the Chapel was extensively refurbished and new furniture, lighting, heating and sound-system installed through a generous Annual Giving Campaign.

Wedding Hire  

Loreto Toorak is pleased to offer Alumnae and members of the wider Loreto Community the opportunity to celebrate their marriage in our Chapel of Christ the King.

The Chapel will be unavailable during January which may impact December bookings. Chapel booking confirmations can only be confirmed 12 months in advance.   

A Wedding Hire fee of $1,800 includes the following services:  

  • Hire of Chapel of Christ the King for your marriage ceremony  
  • Consultation with Wedding Coordinator throughout the planning process  
  • Access to the Chapel for your rehearsal with your Wedding Coordinator present  
  • Preparation of liturgical items required for ceremony  
  • Off-street parking  
  • External photographs in the beautiful grounds surrounding Mandeville Hall 

An additional fee will include overall co-ordination as well as liaison with Priest and floral arrangements.  

Venue Hire  

Mandatory field(s) marked with *