Our Careers Program operates for students in Years 7-12. It becomes more specific and targeted for students in Years 10-12.
Students are encouraged to be proactive in their approach to Career Research and Development and we support them to lead with curiosity and an open mind in regard to their future careers.
It is important that students feel empowered and informed when making Career decisions. We seek to achieve this by providing students with a range of Career related activities such as Career and Course research, Guest speakers, Resume and Interview workshops, the development of Enterprise skills and one-on-one counselling sessions to assist with a range of Career-related areas including post-school University and Pathway Planning.
The Careers program expands in Year 10 when students have the opportunity to undertake Morrisby Testingand activities that will assist students to better understand their strengths, interests and values. This in addition to one-to-one Careers counselling sessions whichsupport students to make well informed decisions in relation to VCE Subject Selection.

Year 10 Careers Immersion Program