Enrolment Policy  

Loreto Toorak is committed to an open enrolment policy that is consistent with our Statement of Philosophy and all applicable State and Commonwealth Laws, including anti-discrimination, equal opportunity, privacy and immunisation legislation.

Enrolment Criteria  

We are a non-select entry school and students are accepted in date of application order with preference given to current families.  We are not registered with  Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) so are unable to enrol international students on a student visa. Applicants must hold Australian Citizenship or a Permanent Residency. Families holding a Visa must be able to provide documentation.

Completion of an Application Form and Fee (Stage 1 of the Enrolment Process) will not guarantee a place at Loreto Toorak. Applicants will be placed on an Application List and contacted closer to the date of enrolment.

Changes to an applicant’s contact and application details must be advised to the Admissions Office via email to ensure the School can make contact to progress enrolment applications. Failure to do this may result in a student’s application being cancelled.

A request to defer or change the student's initial year of entry will result in a new date of application and a new place on the Application List.

Students coming from overseas will be assessed by Loreto Toorak staff or an independent outside provider to determine the appropriate year level of entry.

All Application/Enrolment Fees are non-refundable.

Educational Services Schedule

Loreto Toorak provides for the benefit of the student the following Services it considers appropriate in accordance with the curriculum as determined from time to time. This includes course offerings, including curricular and Co-curricular (programs), teaching methods and processes affecting students. 

Schedule of Educational Services
Terms and Conditions of Enrolment

Loreto Welcomes Program

The Loreto Welcomes Program focuses on welcoming new families into the Loreto Toorak community, as well as extending support and any assistance required, initially and throughout the year.  

Loreto Welcomes is a collaborative effort between the School and parents, aimed at promoting a spirit of participation and mutual support. Our Loreto Welcomes families act as a working committee of the Parents’ Association, and will contact new families prior to commencement.  

Loreto Welcomes Program operates at each year level from Preparatory – Year 12.