At Loreto Toorak, we offer an extensive range of languages. In Year 7, students choose two languages from Indonesian, French, Italian and Chinese (Mandarin) which they will study over the course of the year. In Years 8 and 9, studying a language is compulsory and students will choose one language to continue until the end of Year 9.
Languages are optional in Year 10 and are highly recommended for students wanting to continue their language studies at VCE level. Languages not offered in the Senior School at Loreto Toorak can be studied via distance education at the Victorian School of Languages (VSL) or other providers. These subjects contribute towards the subject loads of our students, including VCE. Options of providers, courses, curriculum resources and costs can be found on the VSL and other provider websites.

Loreto Toorak VCE Italian students took part in a Model United Nations (MUN) Conference, which was conducted entirely in Italian. As Assembly delegates and country ambassadors, our students delivered their prepared delegate presentations, engaged in dialogue and negotiated multilateral diplomacy with other student delegates.

Year 9 students Mia (right) and Jane (left) received first and third place respectively in the Middle School category of the 2022 National Australia Indonesia Language Awards (NAILA).