

Junior School Prefects, 1961
Compassionate Grade 6 students, 1958
Young students in the
Junior School, 1940s



Junior School boys, 1961
Kindergarten children at play, 1950
Prayerful gathering at the Grotto, 1961



Fairies at the bottom of the garden, c.1933
Official Opening Day, 15 February 1925
House Marching, 1961



Honouring the Virgin Mary, May 1961
Senior students preparing Empire Youth Sunday, 1951
Junior School staff, 1961


Chapel of Christ the King under construction, 1927
Budding artists, 1940
The Library in the Indian Room, 1940



Senior school choir and orchestra, 1935
Senior tennis team off to Loreto Ballarat, 1963
Onward bound senior students, c.1950s


Basketball team, 1949
Chemistry experimentation, 1940