Our School is blessed to have a vibrant and inclusive School community, made up of students, parents, staff, Alumnae, past parents, Loreto Sisters, and our wider networks. We are committed to developing life-long relationships with Loreto Toorak for these groups through a wide-range of programs and events. Please refer to your School Calendar for up-to-date information. We invite parents to attend the following annual events:
Our major Fundraising Events for the year:
Community Events
- School Cocktail Party
- Parents’ Association Events
- Tennis Day and Luncheon
- Family Picnic
- Golf Day
- Parent and Daughter Masses
- Night Noodle Market
- Preparatory Parents’ Dinner
- VCE Art Exhibition
Loreto Cultural Series:
Oration Series
- International Women’s Day
- Mary Ward Justice Lecture
Loreto Welcomes Events (organised by Parent Representatives) including:
Casual Coffee Mornings, Cocktail Parties, Brunch gatherings, Barefoot Bowls