Establishing a solid and firm foundation in academic studies is the key to developing students who are life-long learners with curious minds. At Rathfarnham, a diverse range of stimulating programs are offered to further broaden our students’ experiences and interests ensuring holistic formation of mind, body and spirit. 

The broad range of curriculum offers a variety of programs including English, Mathematics, Science, Coding, History, Geography, Physical Education, the Arts, and Languages in addition to English (as per Vic Curriculum). French is taught from Preparatory - Year 4, and Chinese (Mandarin) is introduced in Year 5. The Year 6 Language Program covers all four languages that are offered in the Years 7 and 8 program: Indonesian, Italian, French and Chinese (Mandarin).

Literacy in Preparatory - Year 2 is based on the Little Learners Love Literacy program. This program uses evidence-based research and includes phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary knowledge, fluency and comprehension. This is further enhanced by the support offered through our Individual Differences department that draws on the Heggerty and Kilpatrick programs. In Mathematics, numeracy skills are further strengthened by the Number Doctors program introduced in Preparatory. This program provides training and support for parents to assist them with reinforcing foundational numeracy skills at home.

The rigorous approach to teaching and learning in our Junior School is overseen by the Director of Teaching & Learning and the Rathfarnham Head of Teaching & Learning (Preparatory – Year 6), ensuring a comprehensive and cohesive educational experience. Guided by the knowledge and expertise of our dedicated junior and senior school educators, the Loreto Toorak Teaching & Learning Framework is aligned with the Victorian Curriculum, and provides our students with a rich and engaging learning environment. This framework supports the development of critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, preparing our students for future academic success and lifelong learning.

Students have their own laptop and access their timetabled lessons through the School’s Learning Management System. As well as the lesson intention and resources, students also may create and submit work electronically. In addition, handwriting, bookwork, collaboration with peers and using concrete materials are still key components of learning in Rathfarnham.

Homework tasks may be submitted electronically or in hardcopy. Task requirements and due dates vary per subject, therefore solid time management skills and the effective use of a school diary are important to establish prior to transitioning to Senior School.

As a Preparatory - Year 12 school, the structures, teaching pedagogies, pastoral care and knowledge of each student allows for an effective, positive and seamless transition into Year 7.

Student leadership is part of the formal academic program offered to all Year 6 students. Each student belongs to one of six Councils for the year. The program explores all aspects of leadership, provides public speaking and presentation training as well as opportunities for students to work with peers in committee groups planning, preparing and undertaking responsibilities and initiatives of their Council.


Jr music

Music is a rich and diverse component of a Loreto Toorak education with over 600 students taking part in weekly instrumental music lessons and participating in 30 bands, choirs, orchestras, instrumental ensembles and chamber groups. All students study classroom Music from Preparatory - Year 6.

The Rathfarnham programs include:

  • Preparatory Suzuki Strings Program  
  • Preparatory - Year 2 "Loreto Sings" Program
  • Year 2 Recorder Program 
  • Year 3 Strings Program 
  • Year 4 Percussion Program 
  • Year 5 Brass and Woodwind Program 
  • Year 6 Musical Composition Program



Production forms a part of the Music and Drama curriculum program in Year 6. During Semester 1, the focusses are on the creation of a student-led performance. The students are given a theme, and then work collaboratively to write the script, compose the music, create the costumes and props, arrange the lighting and technical design, with a performance for friends and family at the end of the semester.

Year 6 Production, 2022
Year 6 Production, 2022