Commissioned New School Song


To commemorate our 100 years, we have launched a unique new School song, Circle of Friends, Remember. Music and lyrics by Sr Deirdre Browne ibvm OAM, 2021. We are most grateful. 

Please enjoy this wonderful piece which our students will be learning and singing throughout the year. 

Inspired by Mary Ward’s Verity Speech, 1617
Dedicated to Dr Susan Stevens, Principal, LMHT 2002-2021

There are some things in life that money can’t buy,
They show us who we really are.
Things we believe in, things we strive for,
As we follow our guiding star.
Can you find them? Can you see?
Can you see how to be?
Mary Ward is showing us the way
To be free, to be just, sincere and true,
Living in the light of felicity.

Remember what Mary Ward said,
Remember what she said, remember what she said:
Be faithful to your friends, value them highly.
In the circle of life, we’re a circle of friends,
Loreto women strong!
Our inspiration is Mary Ward,
And her values we hold dear.

Remember what Mary Ward said,
Remember what she said, remember what she said:
I will do these things with love and freedom, or not at all.
With inner freedom we open out
To others and to need
We learn to listen and be wise,
Bring balance to our lives.

Remember what Mary Ward said,
Remember what she said, remember what she said:
Be seekers of truth and doers of justice.
We stand to be a voice for truth,
A voice for justice in our land.
We care for our planet, all its peoples,
We hold all things in trust.

Remember what Mary Ward said,
Remember what she said, remember what she said:
Be such as you appear and appear as you are!
We’re ready to live and speak our truth
With honesty and compassion.
When we’re at home within ourselves
Sincerity will shine through.

Remember what Mary Ward said,
Remember what she said, remember what she said:
This is verity, to do what we must do well.
We’ll face the challenges life presents
As we take our place in the world.
Let verity light the path ahead
And help to clear the way.

Remember what Mary Ward said:
Remember what she said, remember what she said:
God loves the cheerful giver, loves the cheerful giver!
When freedom, justice, sincerity,
Join hands with verity,
Then felicity skips right in,
Bringing happiness, friendship, fun.

So, when at night the stars shine bright
And the Southern Cross looks down,
Loreto friends, look up and see!
Freedom, Justice, Sincerity, Verity, Felicity.
Loreto friends, remember! (X3).

Optional Coda
Freedom! Justice! Sincerity! Verity! Felicity!

Circle of Friends, Remember
Music and Lyrics: © Deirdre Browne IBVM OAM, 2021