You are here:HomeClendon Precinct 7 - 12Curriculum Core Subjects & Electives Students can select from a broad range of 31 subjects with specialist teachers providing support and guidance. Listed are the core curriculum and elective subjects available for Years 7-12. Year 7 & 8 Subjects Year 7 Core Subjects Subject Type Details Full - Year Courses English, Health, History, Geography, Languages*, Mathematics, Physical Education, Science, Religious Education, Wellbeing Semester - Long Courses Performing Arts: Music, Performing Arts: Drama, Science and Technologies: Design & Construction, Visual Arts: Art Languages Options Chinese (Mandarin), French, Indonesian, Italian* * Students select TWO languages, each of which they study for the full year. Year 8 Core Subjects & Choices Subject Type Courses Duration Year - Long Subjects Core subjects as part of the Year 8 curriculum (English, Commerce, Health, History, Languages*, Mathematics, Physical Education, Wellbeing) Entire Year Semester - Based Core Choices Each student selects one core choice from Performing Arts, Visual Arts, and Technology, plus one additional core choice from any of these areas One Semester Each Core Choices Available Drama, Music: Design and Construction, Art, Visual Communication Design Entire Year (2 Language Selected) * Students select ONE languages, each of which they study for the full year. Year 9 and 10 Core Subjects YEAR 9 YEAR 10 English English Humanities (History, Geography and Commerce) Humanities (a compulsory Semester of any History, Geography or Commerce Elective) Mathematics Mathematics Physical Education Physical Education Science Science Religious Education Religious Education Wellbeing Wellbeing Languages Year 9 and 10 Elective Subjects YEAR 9 YEAR 10 Students make four personal choices from a wide list of semester electives. With these choices students must ensure they maintain their study of at least one Arts and one Technology subject. Students continue with Languages in Year 9. Choose Seven Electives (Three in Semester 1 and four in Semester 2) (Must include one Humanities subject) Language electives are studied across both semesters. MATHEMATICS Maths Enrichment ENGLISH Introduction to Literature HEALTH SCIENCE Body Systems Human Nutrition HEALTH SCIENCE Global Health Sport Science Introduction to Psychology PERFORMING ARTS Drama: From Page to Stage Drama: Performance Possibilities Music: Contemporary Songwriting Music: First Steps to Music Mastery HUMANITIES Commerce: Accounting and Finance Commerce: The Business World Commerce: Law and Politics in Operation Geography: Rich World Poor World Geography: What on Earth is Going On History: Rights and Freedoms History: The World at War History: Archaeology TECHNOLOGIES Design Technology Digital Technology Rocketry LANGUAGES Chinese (Mandarin) French Indonesian Italian VISUAL ARTS Art Media Visual Communication & Design PERFORMING ARTS Music: Music and Me Music: Your Journey to Music Mastery Theatre Studies: American Realism Theatre Studies: Collaborative Performance SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGIES Aviation Biological Science Chemical Science Design & Technologies: Design & Fabrication Digital Technologies: Ecommerce & Data Analytics VISUAL ARTS: Art Making & Exhibiting (Photography) Art Creative Practice (Multi Art Forms) Media Visual Communication & Design Year 11 and 12 Core Subjects YEAR 11 YEAR 12 English or Literature English or Literature Religious Education Religious Education Year 11 and 12 Elective Subjects YEAR 11 YEAR 12 Choose Five Subjects (May take 3/4 subject on approval) Choose Four Subjects ENGLISH English Literature ENGLISH English Literature HEALTH SCIENCE Health and Human Development* Physical Education* Psychology* HEALTH SCIENCE Health and Human Development* Physical Education* Psychology* General Mathematics Mathematical Methods Specialist Mathematics HUMANITIES Accounting Business Management* Economics Geography History: Modern History: Ancient* History: Revolutions* Legal Studies* Politics* HUMANITIES Accounting Business Management Economics Geography History: Ancient History: Revolutions Legal Studies Politics LANGUAGES French Italian Indonesian Chinese Language, Culture & Society LANGUAGES French Italian Indonesian Chinese Language, Culture & Society MATHEMATICS General Mathematics Mathematical Methods Specialist Mathematics PERFORMING ARTS Music Repertoire Performance Theatre Studies PERFORMING ARTS Music & Music Repertoire Performance Music Repertoire Performance Theatre Studies RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education Texts & Traditions RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education Texts & Traditions SCIENCES Biology Chemistry Physics SCIENCES Biology* Chemistry Physics TECHNOLOGY Applied Computing: Software Development VISUAL ARTS Art Creative Practice Art Making & Exhibiting Media Visual Communication Design VISUAL ARTS Art Creative Practice Art Making & Exhibiting Media Visual Communication Design * Units 3&4 subjects that may be studied by Year 11 students