
The mathematics program is designed to build a strong foundation and foster a deep understanding of key mathematical concepts. Students engage with a wide range of skills across the six curriculum strands, including Algebra, Number, Geometry, Measurement, Probability, and Statistics. Our curriculum focuses on developing fluency, problem-solving skills, and reasoning abilities across these areas.
In Years 7 to 10, students gain a comprehensive foundation in these essential mathematical domains, preparing them for the three distinct VCE Maths pathways: General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, and Specialist Mathematics. Each stage of learning is strategically aligned to ensure students are well-prepared to make informed decisions about their VCE Maths subjects. By their final year, we aim for all students to feel confident and empowered in choosing at least one Maths subject that aligns with their interests and future aspirations. Our program is designed to not only meet educational standards but to inspire a lifelong appreciation for mathematics.