13 Jun 2024
Enhancing Personal Branding Skills: Year 10 Career Coaching Course

In the fast-paced and competitive world today, success often hinges on more than just academic achievements. Loreto Toorak offers a specialised program called 'My Personal Brand – Career Coaching Course' as part of Year 10 Careers Education.

Crafting Personal Brand:

In the ever-evolving landscape of professional development, understanding and nurturing a personal brand is essential. Through this innovative program, students learn to articulate their unique strengths, values, and aspirations. By honing personal statements and refining communication skills, students build a strong foundation for future success.

Interactive Workshops and Mentoring:

The course curriculum is curated to blend theory with practical application. Interactive workshops provide hands-on experience to craft a personal brand, whilst mentoring sessions offer invaluable guidance from industry experts. Through role plays, mock interviews, and real-world scenarios, students gain confidence and insight into effective self-presentation.

In today's digital age, an online presence is paramount. Students leverage social media platforms and professional networks to showcase their skills and accomplishments. Through the development of a polished online persona, students demonstrate their confidence and capabilities to potential employers and peers.

Industry Insights and Feedback:

A highlight of the program is the opportunity for students to engage with industry professionals. Through interviews and feedback sessions, students receive invaluable insights into industry trends, expectations, and best practices. This firsthand knowledge equips students with a competitive edge as they navigate their future career paths.

By participating in the Career Coaching Course, our students prepare themselves for future career opportunities whilst gaining self-awareness, as well as the resilience required to navigate their professional journeys with confidence.

We are immensely proud of our students and wish them all the best as they embark on this journey of self-discovery.