map ltai

Loreto Toorak Alumnae travel to and live in many parts of the world. To that end, Loreto Toorak Alumnae International (LTAI) was established in 2019 with Chapters in London, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and New Zealand.


  • To create an Alumnae structure that will enable a closer connection with Loreto Toorak, thereby remaining informed of current school activities

  • To create and manage a global network of contacts for professional and social purposes

  • To encourage Chapter members to act as ambassadors for Loreto Toorak in the region in which Alumnae reside

  • To actively promote and support the growth of our Give a Girl a Dream Fund

  • To welcome new members to the Chapter, providing mentoring and support as appropriate

Loreto Toorak Alumnae International (LTAI) - Chapter Heads

LTAI Chapter Heads

Rosannah Healy (PY 2001) (PPA Committee President) Melbourne
Dr Adele Feakes (1978) Adelaide
Ms Brigitte Johnson (1988) Brisbane
Mrs Patricia Cameron (Fagan, 1985) Canberra
Ms Andrea Sutton
Mrs Brigid Wright (McGuigan, 1986) Sydney
Ms Sara Lynch (1997) Hong Kong
Mrs Tammy Golasinski (Olschyna, 1988) West Coast USA/LA
Miss Katie McNamara (2013) London/UK
Ms Lisa Donohoe (2003) New York
Mrs Claire Munro-Wall (Munro, 1987) New Zealand
Ms Francine Bedford (1989) Singapore

Join the LTAI chapter heads today! We have opportunities to join the LTAI chapters in Darwin and Tasmania. 

For any queries please contact the Engagement Office.